It was
Thankfully, I was armed with an excuse to bake (cake sale at school) and had cookie dough and icing left-over from the llama classes, conveniently in pink and grey.
A touch of "Soft Pink" to peach up the one colour and ta-da....
Also conveniently left over from the llama classes, was thick-consistency green icing: perfect for stalks and squiggles. (I know there's a word for those squiggles, but it's been a long day and it escapes me now. Feel free to comment below with the answer!)
Puffy Top-View Pumpkin Cookies: Use a flower cutter for your cookie shape. Outline the different segments of the pumpkin. Flood alternate areas. Allow to set, then fill in the adjacent segments. I used royal icing that was slightly thicker than normal flood-consistency, to get that lovely "puffy" look. To create that star shaped stalk stump, use stiff-consistency green royal icing and a star tip, such as an Ateco 33 (see picture). Hold the bag perpendicular to the cookie. Squeeze, and release, and you'll have a perfect top-view of a stalk-stump.
For that ridged stalk on the larger pumpkins ....
... use a small, open star nozzle - such as an Ateco 14 - and stiff-consistency green icing, piping lengthways. Pipe 2 - 3 next to each other, and your stalk is done.
Happy pumpkin-decorating!