
Sunday 24 December 2017

Rudolph Macarons

 I have a window of calm right now to get this post written and published while the kids are busy completing Christmas word-searches (winner gets a chocolate).

I don't know about you, but I find it quite a challenge to keep from going rip-roaring mad keep my equilibrium at this time of year: juggling work, Christmas prep, and kids at home for the holiday. (Thankfully Christmas is at my sister's house this year.  Can I hear a  chorus of Hallelujahs?! )

And the very last thing I want to do is go out to the shopping centres.
So while I could probably have found some cute candies to use for Rudolph's nose, I'd forgotten to look for them on my last outing, and settled for piping noses out of chocolate instead - white chocolate coloured with red powdered food colouring.

The antlers are also piped chocolate, but you could use pretzels as an alternative. (As used here on a Rudolph cupcake.) 
The eyes are drawn on with an edible marker. 

The macarons are chocolate and coffee flavoured, and filled with dark chocolate ganache
You can make the separate components ahead of time (macarons freeze well; chocolate keeps well), and assemble the day before your function. 

And it sounds like that is all I have time for... the word search has deteriorated into a fierce competition; I'll have to intercede before there's tears.
Oops - too late....

Aaah, Christmas!

Have a great one!


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