
Sunday 23 April 2017

(Flat) Macarons

That's me. I'm done.
Overcooked in fact.
Two classes, 6 emergency cases at the hospital, and husband-less for the weekend.

He's gone cycling in the scenic Eastern Cape. Lovely. 

The last time he went away over a weekend, he took the kids with him. Better.
I had my Friday all laid out: set-up for the Saturday class, bake for tea. Then... R.E.L.A.X

I'd just set these unbaked macarons out, when I got a call to get to the hospital for an emergency.
Fine, I thought. An hour to develop a shell would be perfect, I thought.
But the case took three.
Ping ping ping!

So this is what macarons look like when they've had an extended resting time.
A little tired. A lot flat. And tending to fall apart more than normal.
(Oh. That's me, again.)

Thankfully, though, even if macarons don't look their best, they always taste great. 
These were filled with chocolate mint icing. And I used my standard macaron recipe
That's a very old post, with some pretty un-pretty pictures. I'll get round to fixing it sometime. But right now I have to deal with the ping. Time to switch off. 

Happy baking ... I'll be resting!


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