
Wednesday 20 April 2016

Rainbow Bunny

April has been a busy birthday month! 
I'm usually oblivious to it. Well, no. That's not quite right. There's just not much I can do about those birthdays, as I'm usually too caught up in the busy-ness of Easter classes. But with those wrapped up in mid-March this year, and no classes booked for April (too many holiday weekends and other functions on the calendar), I've had the time to pay attention to some of our family and friends' birthdays this month. And take the opportunity to make their cakes and toppers. (Must. Create ... Can. Not. Stop!) 

This one was for Summer, my daughter's friend. 
I enthusiastically volunteered to make her a cake topper based on her favourite fluffy toy, a bunny. And then discovered that it was rainbow coloured. Hmmmn...that's a challenge!  
But I'm so glad it was, because (after some pondering) in the end the way to create the look was straightforward, but rewardingly creative (I always feel so arty when I get the paintbrushes out!)  

I made the body out of white fondant/ modelling chocolate blend. Then dry-brushed the shades on using Rolkem dusting colours. Really simple. But pretty and effective, don't you think?


If you do try something similar, make sure all your pieces are shaded before you assemble your creation. It's just easier to get good colour coverage that way.  And it helps you avoid dusting over wet glue. (And you'll know why you don't want to make that mistake if you've ever done it!)

Happy decorating!


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