
Thursday 3 March 2016

Monster (Decorated) Cookies

I made these  monster cookies for my son's Grade 2 cake sale. 
And, yes I had those 7-year olds' faces in mind when I decorated them... 
(Just their cute gap-toothed smiles, of course! What did you think I meant?!)
I wasn't expecting the positive response that these cookies got on Facebook. 
So, it looks like a Monster Cookie class has been voted into existence.  I'm very happy about that.(Yes, that's me, in the corner with the big smile. Ha ha!) 
Monster cookies are super-fun to make. It's an excuse to go wild with colours and shapes, and think out of the box a little.        


So, I won't do a detailed photo-tutorial now because there will be a class coming up (not because I forgot to take some key tutorial pic's along the way, obviously...!), but's here a couple of things to bear in mind: 

Monster eyes: 
Only pipe on the eyes once the background icing has dried. 
Eyes are done wet-on-wet: pipe the white orb, then immediately follow with 
the iris (coloured area); then the black pupil, all with flooding consistency icing. 
You can add a little spot of white onto the edge of the pupil to make it look more alive. 
If you are doing two (or more!) eyes, wait for the first orb to set before piping the eye next to it. otherwise you'll get a cyclops that you hadn't intended, as the icing runs into the adjacent eye. (Although this is  probably one of the few times you'll get away with it...! )

Monster mouth:
If you want to create a wide open mouth, fill it in before you flood the cookie.   Allow to dry before flooding the rest of the monster's face.  This area will appear slightly recessed in comparison with the rest of the face, and therefore more realistic... because we're aiming for realism here, right!   ;o)

Or you could just wait for the class...!

Happy decorating!


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