
Sunday 23 August 2015

Queen of Hearts Cookie Tutorial

The hardest thing about the "Mad-Hatter's Tea Party" themed class was limiting the number of cookies we decorated.  The story of Alice in Wonderland is a feast for the imagination, and the movie versions (I'm partial to Tim Burtons, but enjoy Disney's too!) are full of amazing imagery.  So, there are so many (too many!) great Wonderland cookie ideas to choose from. 


One of the ideas I love, is using a heart cookie for the Red Queen's face. It's just so appropriate and so clever - with her being the Queen of Hearts!
 I'm not sure who did it first - I've seen versions by Ali Bee's Bake Shop, Sugarbelle, Sprinkle Bakes and several more. Well done to whoever thought of it: brilliant! 

Here's my version: 

Here's how:          Outline where her face will go. 

Flood the area with white "15 second" icing (flooding consistency royal icing)

While the white background is still wet, add two blue (eye-shadow) ovals. Allow to dry. 

Once the face has dried, pipe on eyelids, eyebrows, and lips (a little heart of course!)   

Use a small open star nozzle (Ateco 14) to pipe on red rosettes of hair. This needs to be stiff-peak icing. Fill any gaps between rosettes with a single floret of icing 

Keep going...

Allow to dry completely 

"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality"
Happy decorating!


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