
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Jammy Flower Biscuits

It's school holidays! Sleeping late, and not having to fight morning traffic....
Oh, wait a minute - my children still wake up with the first songbirds, and school is a 2 minute walk away...
Admittedly, though, there is a certain laziness to the days - in part due to the fact that it is almost impossible to get any work done with 2 youngsters calling for Mommeeee! every few minutes!

So, my next two recipe shares are child-oriented ones - things that you can make with or for your children.  And they loooove the results!

Jammy Flower Biscuits:

You'll need:

  • strawberry jam
  • cookie dough.
  • cookie cutters
  • rolling pins (more than one if you've got little helpers)
  • flour for dusting
  • baking sheets

Use this basic butter cookie recipe
Or this chocolate cookie recipe.

They both make a lot of cookies! So either halve the ingredients, or freeze the remaining dough - I'm a big fan of having cookie dough already made up and ready in the freezer- very handy for busy moms.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface.
Cut out the shapes - kids love doing this.
Pair up, and cut out the centre of the cookie in one of each pair - a large icing nozzle/piping tip is great for this.
Lay this one on top of the un-cored cookie.
Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Spoon a small amount of strawberry jam into each centre you've created.

Bake for 10-15minutes - until just starting to turn golden.
Remove from oven.
Sprinkle the centre with granulated sugar, if desired.
Allow to cool before eating - the jam is really hot when it comes out the oven.

Happy holidays!



  1. how thick should i roll it out? is 1 cm ok?

    1. Hi!
      1cm will be too thick because you'll have the double layer - so about 3-4mm thickness is better.
